Nafran Valley - Day 2/6

Nafran Valley - Day 2/6

Day 2

Bhaj Margi → Arram Pathri

6.25km, 10,278 steps, 1,919ft elevation gain. 

The weather gods decided to test our gear on day two. Shortly after leaving the campsite, a thick cloud engulfed us, starting with loud thunder that quickly turned into a hailstorm. We took shelter under a tree for a few minutes before continuing, knowing a long day awaited us. We had to descend into the valley of Arram Pathri, where the rain had made the paths slippery and treacherous. Soaked to the bone, we finally reached our destination, and within a couple of hours, the sun had dried our clothes, shoes, and bags, leaving us ready for the next day's journey. Talk about the weather in the mountains!