Nafran Valley - Day 3/6

Nafran Valley - Day 3/6

Day 3

Arram Pathri → Nafran Valley

3.37km, 5,276 steps, 1,243ft elevation gain. 

After yesterday's ordeal, everyone was watching the sun, and it didn't disappoint—at least not by much. If we had taken even one extra minute, things might have been different. As soon as we reached our next campsite, just a couple of hours away over a small hill, it started raining. Again. And it poured for the next six hours. We stayed dry, but we were definitely anxious about what the coming days might bring. The rain gave us just enough time to set up our common tent, and the six of us ended up talking for six straight hours—something none of us could have imagined doing back home with the ding-dong sound making casinos in our palms.