The Debut of MacBook Air

Who loves complications? And who wouldn't want a simpler life?
11 months ago, I had to choose between MacBook Air and MacBook Pro. I was sold over the idea of 500GB hard drive, DVD drive and an ethernet port. Apparently I ended up buying a 13 inch MacBook Pro. In the subsequent months of usage, I was not quite enticed by its performance but the machine did manage to perform. However to be honest, a part of me always wanted something more efficient than that.
Its worth noting that 11 months ago, MacBook Pro and MacBook Air were priced exactly the same. And back then ethernet ports and DVD drives were still in fashion(in my world). But things have changed quite drastically in these months. MacBook Air is not the same as it used to be 11 months ago. Instead after improvements it has only got cheaper. Though MacBook Pro remains unchanged in every aspect and has only got costlier.
So one fine day i made a decision to dump my MacBook Pro for MacBook Air and after having used it for around a month now i am realizing that this was the only laptop i ever wanted.
It has got minuscule amount of storage space (128GB) that keeps reminding me to only allow stuffs that are important and to ignore which can be ignored.
The machine is an apt reflection of the effective simplification through elimination strategy. 12 hours battery (which is hilarious) enables me to work away from home, without having to worry about power outlets.
So far so good. I don't care if it doesn't have a DVD drive or an ethernet port or Retina display, all that matters is i can take it wherever i go without feeling its weight and complications. And that's mostly what a simpler life is to me.