
Annapurna Basecamp - Nov 2017

Hi! My name is Kamal, and I design (and sometimes code) websites for a living. Some of my main interest areas are photography, design, coffee, and hiking. Here, on my website, you'll find my musings and thoughts about random topics.

If you have any questions or want to get in touch with me, email me: hi@kamalnayan.co

About this site

This site uses Ghost, hosted on PikaPods. I've tried almost all the static generators out there and other ways to have a personal website and settled on these but that's a story for another day. It uses a modified version of the Ghost theme Solo to accomodate my taste and needs.

Headings on this site uses a variable version of Roslindale by David Jonathan Ross. I love how versatile it feels at varaying width. The typeface is based on a 135 years old legacy typeface called De Vinne that was designed as a revolt against conventional ornamental style of typeface that had flooded the texts.

Everything else uses Geist by Vercel which presumbly has been designed as a revolt against the defacto sans-serif choice: Inter.